Many people say that they know the account of Noah is not real because all the animals could not fit on the ark. Ask them then, how big was the ark and how many animals had to be on it. Typically they will not know. Do you?
Genesis records that the Ark was 300 cubits x 50 cubits x 30 cubits. A cubit is the length from one’s elbow to the tip of their finger. Traditionally this is accepted to be 18”. However, up to a 22” cubit is accepted by Jewish Historians and being 600 years old, Noah’s could have been even bigger!
Accepting the smallest size for a cubit, the Ark would thus be 450’ x 75’ x 45’. This would give the Ark 1,518,750 cubic feet of room. Equal to the capacity of 565 railroad stock cars! But was that enough? To answer this question, we must know how many animals were on the Ark.
Genesis records each “kind” of animal was on the Ark. Though we do not have a list of God’s classification of ‘kinds’, in the creation account, we see that kinds can reproduce. Bearing this in mind, we can see not every ‘species’ was required, but a far smaller number would be required. For instance there would not be a Poodle, Labrador, Great Dane, Wolf and fox on board, but one dog kind.
It is believed this number to be less than 35,000 animals. However, even if we were to take the worst case, and look at species, is there enough room?
Looking even at species, there are only 21,100 species that would have needed the protection of the ark. Multiply this by 2 so we have a male and female of each brings our total to 42,200. There are well less than 1000 ‘clean’ kinds but even adding 7 of each at that many, still leaves the number at less than 50,000 even after adding in two of each dinosaur kind. But will they fit?
If you take all animals, including dinosaurs, from the smallest to the largest, the average size would be that of a sheep. As stated earlier, the Ark can hold the same as 565 railroad stock cars. Shipping records show a stock car will hold 240 sheep. So:
50,000 animals at 240 per car = 208 stock cars. Only 36% of the Ark’s capacity to fit all the SPECIES! Room with plenty to spare!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Evolutionary trees actually more like grass
I remember growing up, I had a book on animals and dinosaurs. It had a huge evolutionary tree and I loved reading about the animal, then looking on the tree and tracing it backwards through its evolutionary history. I was completely in awe of those diagrams and just as completely convinced by them. Growing up through the school system, this conviction was solidified in this icon of evolution.
I remember growing up, I had a book on animals and dinosaurs. It had a huge evolutionary tree and I loved reading about the animal, then looking on the tree and tracing it backwards through its evolutionary history. I was completely in awe of those diagrams and just as completely convinced by them. Growing up through the school system, this conviction was solidified in this icon of evolution.
It is no wonder then, when my search to once-and-for-all find the absolute proof of evolution began, that I started with these trees. Yet to my disappointment, I quickly found their flaw. Let me show you:
The first image here is a simple version of one of evolution's "Trees of Life". You can easily follow the evolutionary path and it is quite nice and convincing. But is it accurate? Let me ask you, what is on the black lines, or 'branches'? Why don't they show them?
The reason that they do not show what is on these lines is because they do not know. There simply is nothing to show so instead, they draw lines. What they really have is in this second image to the right: fully formed plants, animals and humans with nothing in-between!
That's right, instead of a tree, what is actually found by real science are fossils of the last leaf on the end of their supposed branches. To make their trees honestly reflect what is observed in nature, we need to remove the lines. What is left, is hardly convincing.
In fact, evolutionists make all sorts of these trees showing how certain things supposedly evolved. Lets look at a few of their examples. On the left is what they will show. The bold or colored lines show what is actually found. The light or dashed lines show what their IMAGINATIONS want you to believe. But these magic lines are an illusion. Remove the imagination, leave only the facts and what you get is shown in the right side of each picture. Lets take a look...
Okay, do you see the point? What they try to show is not what the facts actually show. The facts are on the right of each example. You can either use their imaginary, magic lines and try to connect them with lines, or you can read them for what the facts actually show: that each and every animal was created exactly how they were and did not evolve into anything else. They ALWAYS show up in the fossil record 100% complete in their kind. And you know what? That's EXACTLY what God said.
In His service... Arthur
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