We have been told many times about how similar Human DNA is to Chimpanzee DNA. At first we were told they were 98%, then 97%. Now it has dropped to between 95-96%, but even so, that still sounds like a lot, right? But how close IS it really?
DNA is made up of what are termed 'base pairs'. These are the instruction codes that make us who we are. There are roughly 3,125,000,000 base pairs in human DNA. That means at even 96% similarity, there are still 125,000,000 differences!
What does this mean to evolution? Evolution states that each of these differences came about over time by chance, random process. They use these long periods of time because these changes are rare and most changes are not passed on but weeded out. So very few changes continue down the line. The question is how much time for how many changes.
Using evolutionist's figures, from the time human and chimp separated down different paths from their mutual ancestor, approximately 300,000 generations have come and gone. A staggering amount to be sure. But is it enough?
125,000,000 differences divided by 300,000 generations means that EACH and EVERY generation must have and pass on 133 mutations of the exact variety needed to be passed on and separate the two lines. Remember, mutations are very rare and the vast majority of them are not passed on. Alone, 133 mutations is unheard of in a single generation, little lone 133 beneficial ones that are actually passed on to offspring.
Simply put, even given an additional ten times the number of generations they allow for would not give enough time for such a divergence to take place. This shows that the similarity in DNA does not fit with the 'common ancestor' model. However, it still does fit with the concept of a common creator.
In His service... Arthur Smith