Monday, June 21, 2010


Many of us were taught that Matter + Energy + Time = Life. Meaning that given enough time and energy, life will come from non life. However, is this true? Simply put, no, and here's an easy example why.

Lets take a computer. You assemble (time) all the parts (matter) and plug it in and turn it on (energy) and it works because you have those three pieces, right? Ah! There is one thing missing: software. If your computer has no program to run it, then it will never run. The hardware (matter) will never work by its self no matter how much time or energy you put into it. It must have the information in the program to work.

The components of life are the same. Given all the time the evolutionists claim has past and any amount of energy, matter could never form life because it would never have the information required for life. That information is hard coded in the DNA, in the genes and chromosomes and made usable through the RNA in our cells.

The scientific Laws of Information in Nature state that information cannot arise from matter. It ALWAYS arises from a source of higher information. Again, think of a computer. A computer cannot program itself. And it cannot program something more intelligent than itself. It takes an external source, a programmer, to install and upgrade its information.

So the equation for life is lacking. To be correct it MUST be Matter + Energy + Time + information = Life. Information cannot come from matter but always from a higher source of information. To program an amoeba, you'd need something with vastly more information than an amoeba. To program a dog, you'd need something with vastly more information than a dog. To program a human, you'd need something with vastly more information than a human. Vastly more information than a human? Where does that lead us to?

In His Service... Arthur Smith

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