I want to welcome you to this exciting new ministry. Let me tell you a little about how this got started. Growing up, I was what they call a 'theistic evolutionist' which means that I believed completely in evolution, but that it was controlled by God. Why did I believe this? Because my teachers taught me about evolution and millions of years. I was just a student, they were teachers, so they obviously knew, right? And what my teachers taught me, came from text books. Obviously these text books had to be right or they wouldn't be used, right? And these text books were written by scientists with fancy letters after their names. Surely scientists were the smartest of all, right?
You see, this is a problem with the education system. In school, we are taught to memorize what is in our books so we can pass the tests and so pass the class. But what we aren't taught to do is THINK. You don't need to think about what is in the text book, you don't need to really comprehend all that is behind what is there, you only need to know what it says so you can pass the test. So most of us grow up simply believing what we are taught simply because we trust our textbooks. But what if the text books are wrong?
As I entered my 20's I got tired of simply quoting the 'icons of evolution' to creationists to prove them wrong. I wanted facts, so I went researching. It was during these next several years that I actually began to think. I went through the evolutionist's arguments, but instead of just accepting them, I tried to look for ways creationists could rightfully shoot them down. This is when I started to find out, there wasn't a single one that couldn't be shot down with only applying a small amount of God-given common sense.
And that leads us to here and to the conclusion that you don't need to be a scientist to understand the way God has designed this world. In fact, God says so when He says that all of His "invisible" ways are clearly seen so that no one, not just scientists with Ph.D.s, is with excuse. That means YOU! Yes you can easily understand science, how the universe works and see why the complicated, convoluted stories made up by evolutionary scientists simply do not fit.
Do not let them convince you that you can't understand. Do not let them convince you that you don't have enough schooling. Do not let them convince you that you are not as smart as they are. You have the same God-given brain they have been given and God promises you that you most certainly can understand all of this! All you have to do is stop simply accepting what you have been told and start thinking their claims through. But I warn you now, it will change everything!
In His service... Arthur Smith
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