1) DNA = coded information
2) RNA = the code itself
For instance, below is a code of instructions. Please read it and tell me what it is instructing you to do:
This is the same in our cells. Without the code (RNA), the instructions (DNA) are meaningless. So to help you out, listed below is the code which is equivalent to the RNA along with a new set of instructions for you to follow. Are you ready?
Ok, so you have the code so you know what this second set of instructions is asking you to do, right? No? Of course you don't because you now have the code, but none of the instruction. So your code is useless. Remember, your code is your RNA. Without the information (DNA) your code (RNA) is useless. It is only when you have the two together that they are of any use. This is exactly the same as is the case with DNA and RNA. It is only when they are both together that they are of any use.
So, back to the question, "which came first DNA or RNA?" We see it could not have been either. Both are required to have originated at the same time. However, the chance that either developed naturally by chance, random processes is so remote as to be statistically impossible. But I will grant secular scientists that 'statistically impossible' and 'actually impossible' are not the same.
What that means is that though the chance is so remote as to realistically be impossible, there still is the slightest chance that DNA could assemble IF the information were available in the right form. There is the slightest chance that RNA could assemble IF the code were available in the correct form. But the chance that BOTH of these could happen completely independent of each other, at exactly the same time and place in the universe, by chance, random process and that they would be in perfect synch with each other is zero. It simply could not happen without the intervention of an intelligent, outside force purposely guiding the information and the code to work together to form a coherent combination of information structured into a specific instruction that can be decoded correctly.
The only thing left to determine is who or what was this intelligent force. As an answer, the decoding of the above instructions is as follows:
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto you're own understanding."
In His service... Arthur
PS - Oh, to answer the question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg", Genesis says that all birds were made together on day 5. So the answer is the chicken!!
I just wanted to thank you for this post. It was very enlightening. I am an IT person by training and I like to hack at programming. From your description of DNA and RNA, DNA is the code I write and the RNA is the common language runtime compiler. Very interesting. God Rocks!!! :)