For this post, I will pretend that they actually did form the 'building blocks of life' as they claim. Does this really help prove evolution? Only in the tiniest bit. Why? Because as an old commercial states, "parts is parts". What I mean here is that parts do not make life. No matter how many parts you have, no matter how evolved these parts are, you still do not have life. Life requires these parts to be assembled in a 'biological machine'. Let me show you.
Above we have a bunch of parts. Are they of any use? Would they server any purpose on their own? What if they got fancier? If you had these parts sitting in a drawer, would you use them? No, they would sit there and rust until you threw them away. This is the same as in nature. Even if the parts were there, they would be useless until they were assembled. They would sit in the drawer so-to-speak, until natural selection threw them away.
It is not until these parts are assembled as below, that they have any purpose.
You see, even if the parts were there, until they are assembled into the biological system, the 'machine', they serve no purpose. And just like the parts above, tossing the parts around randomly can never produce a functioning machine, little lone a functioning machine that can reproduce itself. These parts have to be assembled in a particular and specific order to achieve a useful function. Actual, scientific testing and observation tells us that this absolutely never happens without intelligence. It is only by denying science and the Laws of Nature that one could ever hope that the assembling of a functional machine could ever happen without an intelligence behind it.
In His service... Arthur Smith
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