The reason for this is that imagination is the only thing evolutionary science HAS to fill those blanks! We mistakenly call these “missing links”. However there isn’t a link missing in the chain, it’s the entire chain that is missing. Scientifically, what we actually observe in nature and the fossil record are fully formed kinds of animals - no lines – making
“But what about animals we have seen evolve like horses, finches, fruit flies and peppered moths?”
Exactly, what about them? Again, what do we see? We see horses giving birth to horses, finches giving birth to finches, flies giving birth to flies and moths giving birth to moths. This is exactly what God said would happen: animal kinds reproducing after their own kind. Is there variation within a kind? Most definitely. We see that throughout the world in every kind of animal and in humans as well. Tall, short, frail, well-built, big nose, small nose, blue eyes, brown eyes and teeth of all shapes and sizes.
We even see traits like large brows, forward-set jaws, long arms, dwarfism, hunched posture and other traits supposedly reserved for our ancestors.
{Note: I am by no means saying that these people are sub-human, but that these traits are not traits indicating our ‘ancient ancestors’ but are traits still here in twenty-first century humans.}
The point is this: just because children are not identical copies of their parent, does not mean that evolution has occurred; at least not the kind of evolving required to evolve outside of specific kinds (i.e. primate to man). Sure some traits are passed on and become more prominent. The evolutionist will claim that these small changes added together over millions of years, equals evolution. Again, what do we actually see? We see no examples of this ever happening. No examples of a species part way between one species and another. In other words, there is nothing on those magic lines in
In His service...
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