First, look around you and what do you see? The whole world is flat as a pancake, right? Not at all! We see hills and gullies, mountains and valleys. "So what?" What do you see in the rock layers? Hills and valleys? No, all the rock layers are flat! But if the layers were laid down over hills and valleys, it should accumulate like this:
But look at the first picture again, they are flat. What would explain the flat layers?
On a trip to the Northwest US, I stopped off at a number of places and took samples from various rock layers and collected them in a jar. I then filled the jar with water and shook it up until it was all mixed up. I then let it sit. After a few days, guess what appeared? Flat rock layers!
What could explain this happening in the world? What could cover the world with water, stir it all up and then let it settle in layers? Secular science can't account for it, but Genesis 6-9 does quite well!
In His service... Arthur Smith
On a trip to the Northwest US, I stopped off at a number of places and took samples from various rock layers and collected them in a jar. I then filled the jar with water and shook it up until it was all mixed up. I then let it sit. After a few days, guess what appeared? Flat rock layers!
In His service... Arthur Smith
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